Monday, August 5, 2013

The tremendous Graduation Party

Hurray! I finally got these photographs I was waiting for so long!
Four years of university are now history. So here there are the highlights captured during my (our) Graduation Party. 

Today, after a month after, my thoughts have totally cleared away. I only know that we, obviously, organized the best graduation party, in the best way we could. Probably now, I would have added even more details, decorations and ideas. But then, organizing the Official University Ceremony, the party preparations,  in between-dance courses and jobs applications or interviews, it all- simultaneously overlapped. 
They say that the best moments are during university, though I believe the best is yet to come.  To revise, it took us not so much time for organizing the party. In December, we searched for the party hall and found the amazing Eventus, that prepared our delicious food and also took care of the sweet buffet and cake. Other details were mostly discussed and arranged last minute. The white frames were super-easy painted with white spray, and letters were hand-made glued to the background surface. I prepared my own flower wreath, as well as the simple bouquets of roses for the professors.And of course, the Keiser Band musical quintet made our meeting time absolutely pleasurable. Later on, we danced some folk and then the DJ set fire to the dance floor.
Apparently the color of the event was GREEN, no dress code was needed as by coincidence, majority of girls showed up in a shade of green. Haha, it still amuses me.
I am sure different students have different memories of this event. For some, it was a chance to drink a bit more:), for others- it was a chance to put on the best dress and make-up. For me, it was a tremendous party that made my feet motionless in the end. Days after, I was still recovering:)

Enjoy the next photos. More details and fresh impressions can be found in the previous Instagram post, in case you haven't seen it already.

Photo credits: Sergiu Bîrca.

Thank you for reading!


  1. Fără ca să exagerez parcă sunteți toți dintr-o poveste. Ți-am mai spus accesoriul tău e atât de deosebit și te face atât de specială...
    băieții frumoși și mândri :) sunt foarte stilați ...
